Wednesday, December 26, 2012

While I recognize that a traditional commentary on the liturgical calender would start in the beginning of December with Advent, it's my blog and I'll start it anytime i want! I actually love that it was started on Christ's birthday, with the start of a life that forever changed the world, which I am sure no one was truly ready for and I would doubt any of us are ready for today, if we are honest. 

So this whole religion thing has gotten some press recently, and it seems far more would be beneficial.  After hearing and being taught how 'bad' religion is, upon further investigation I have found it to be more of what I need. Who doesn't need more discipline in their life of faith? How many of us actually do devotions every morning? How many of us actually live out the things we so passionately sing about and get taught every Sunday? When we say "I'll pray for you", then do we actually do it? Our follow through on relationships, especially with our Savior, often suffers in our fast-paced technology laced society. 

It is my precise purpose in this blog to reconcile all of us back to our God, and also back to his church; past, present and future. It's seems for us to move forward in maturity as "Christians" we must embrace all that is Christ's. I know it frequently seems easier to deny being allied with traditional religion, it's inherent baggage,  and try to then demonstrate these ways that our type of faith is superior or somehow easier than the rest. In attempting these tactics  we also water down the true message of the gospel. 

We commit the greatest sin by refusing to acknowledged our alliance with Christ's entire church! This not only causing a tremendous amount of confusion to outsiders but a tremendous amount as well to those proclaiming faith. Perhaps the greatest ironic truth is found in this battle we wage against each other as God's people, in direct rebellion to the unifying effect the Holy Spirit brings! The message of Christmas, "peace on earth and goodwill to men" most certainly applies to us. I'll be love to any and all others whom I share faith with, don't share faith with and all others too. 

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