Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Taking the time to blog this year, as a priority, and it occurred to me there could be several benefits to blogging about this religious experience I have been having. It seems in my life of faith I have gone from no religion  to more religion, to just plain religious  and back again. While I spent a part of my early adulthood talking against organized religion, eventually I became part of a couple very interesting churches. While I would never have desired to become solely religious, many times I have come to realize that is just what I became. At times this made me proud, but more often it simply meant that I was in a groove of just going through the motions.

I don't actually think anyone can be a true Christian and not get religious, at least to some degree  This whole business of throwing religion and all the word implies under the bus at every turn has got to stop. I myself have certainly been guilty of this, and at one point would intentionally react to being called religious with such a sourness that it was apparent to everyone nearby that was an offensive term to me. And yet the people asking, usually non-Christians, would stare at me like I was insane. You seem they already knew of my faith, church attendance etc... so this reaction would be a total shock.

Follow me on this journey of liturgy, lectionary and Luther. I am still working to absorb and live in this new-to-me world of traditional church. May this journey will be fun, educational and enlightening to us all.

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