Friday, December 28, 2012

After... are to go to your work joyfully.

This morning, for the first time in it's entirety, I did what Martin Luther suggested in the Small Catechism for the morning blessing.

I made the sign of the cross, and asked God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to watch over me.
I then said aloud the Apostle's Creed and the Lord's Prayer, before reciting his suggested prayer:

"I give thanks to you, heavenly Father,
through Jesus Christ your dear Son,
that you have protected me through the night
from all harm and danger.
I ask that you would also protect me today
from sin and all evil,
so that my life and actions may please you.
Into your hands I commend myself:
my body, my soul, and all that is mine.
Let your holy angel be with me,
so that the wicked foe
may have no power over me.

Having claimed myself as a person of faith, asked for protection and guidance, having proclaimed my faith aloud, I felt ready to attack the day. Luther makes a point in his instructions which I am going to take as literal as possible. He says after the above prayer, "After singing a hymn, or whatever else may serve your devotion, you are to go to your work joyfully." are to go to your work joyfully! So that I did! I enjoyed a slow morning at home, did a few things around the church, had a great conversation with my new mentor (we have agreed to read the bible through in 2013 and discuss it weekly) and visited some people. At around the time I wanted to be done, I found that I had joyfully completed my tasks for the day. I then enjoyed some family time and make a great connection with our teen. The best day I have had in a while, truly.

I honestly feel like somehow I admitted my weakness and accepted God's help this morning, and also proclaimed my beliefs out loud. Tomorrow I plan to do it as soon as I get out of bed, as Luther suggested, since I ran into several issues this morning just trying to get my coffe and be arranged for morning prayer. 

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