Saturday, January 5, 2013

What's really important: Focusing on faith

What is really important in my life and in this blog, is that the focus remains on faith, that a pursuing Jesus Christ with reckless abandon. I am simply nothing without him. I would be a guy who smiles a lot, hoping I appear cute and desperate for successful approval. Since I have faith in Jesus, I can stand on my own two feet, confident in who he says I am, and not much else. No pretense, no show. Not always in a good mood. 

What I have noticed over this past week or so, is that I have become more conscious of my thought process and how it is greatly helped by writing. I feel significantly better earlier in the day, no doubt the result of so intentionally having morning prayers and devotion. I am still doing the routine suggested by Martin Luther in the Small Catechism: signing the cross, the Apostle's Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and his morning blessing. Then again in the evening, with some minor changes in the prayer. I enjoy the line about body, soul and all that is mine. This world has nothing for me. God has everything for me in heaven, and enough here to be joyous about until then.

The morning time since January first with The One Year Bible is great, it has readings from the old and New Testaments plus a sprinkling of Psalms and Proverbs daily. These things have really helped me have a better attitude in the mornings, as I am not tremendously ecstatic early mornings, and are prone to hit the snooze until my wife is wide awake when I am the one who needs to get up. This minimum half hour process is refreshing a part of my soul that needs consistency at a time when few things are certain.

This journey of faith, to leave the familiar setting of Neodenominational churches in an attempt to understand the 'other side', is also harmoniously weaving in with continued maturity. While I continue to investigate and learn, I have begun to see that no matter what type of church, there are many within who have huge hearts. We have experienced several tremendous blessings, and see that gratitude flows from every type of congregation towards those that serve them with their lives. Looking forward to Epiphany tomorrow at two liturgical congregations.

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